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  • How does the Photo Contest work?
    Premium Enrollment is for those wishing for industry exposure (and) the eligibility of cash awards. Basic Enrollment would be for the child who is currently signed with an agent and is participating in this contest for the eligibility of cash prizes only. Note: If you select Basic Enrollment and an agency reaches out to you, simply let them know you are not interested in working with them. They will certainly understand.
  • Where does the contest take place?
    This is a Nationwide Contest. The Official home office of MCI resides in Nashville TN. There’s no need to travel. Agents from across the country will be evaluating the entries and selecting the participates. The Enrollment takes place between June 24th-July 19th; you must select your enrollment package now in order to participate. Contest judging will take place from July 22nd-July 23rd. All Winners will be posted on the website Friday, July 26th
  • Why don't I see my child's photo displayed on the Website?
    You must allow 3 business days after the date of your registration for your child's photo to be updated to the website.
  • How do I communicate with MCI about the Photo Contest or other upcoming events?
    Simply send a text with all of your questions to 615.881.4391 Our concierge will respond with your answers.
  • Now that I’ve enrolled my child, what’s the next step?"
    After you’ve chosen the Basic or Premium enrollment, wait for your results on Wednesday, July 5th.
  • How does the contest work?
    Premium Enrollment kids are viewed and Judged by Elite Industry Professionals for the contest and are eligible for cash prizes. These Agents are also looking for new faces with outgoing personalities to be represented and participate in upcoming projects. Basic Enrollment Kids are evaluated and judged by the MCI group for cash prizes and Will NOT be considered for Agency Representation. After you’ve selected and purchased your enrollment, you will receive an email confirmation to the email address address you entered at the time of checkout.
  • Is Premium Enrollment limited to a select number of participants?
    Unfortunately, only a select number of Premium Enrollment participants may participate in each contest.
  • How do I enroll multiple children AKA Siblings?
    You must fill out a separate enrollment form for each child you wish to enroll.
  • Why does the contest display better on my laptop/Desktop vs. My Smart Phone?
    The web site was optimized and designed to display in its fullness potential with the greatest ease of use on a laptop, however the site is fully functional on the mobile device but some things will be much harder to read and navigate.
  • Why is my Child's name spelled incorrectly on the contest page?
    Chances are that the name was misspelled when the photo was submitted. The software copies and pastes the exact information entered by the parent from the PSP Submission Form. PLEASE DO NOT RESUBMIT, Send a text with the correct spelling to: 615.881.4391
  • Are there any other costs involved for participating in the contest?
    There are no other costs to participate in the Nationwide Contest. Only two options to choose from; however, if your child will be working with an Agent there may be a small enrollment fee for setup and website fees: these are customary fees that all Agencies charge to get started.
  • Do I have to have a PayPal account to pay for my enrollment?
    All payments may be paid with any major credit card, debit card or EBT Funding. We use PayPal’s secure website to capture all forms of payment.
  • When is the start and ending date of the contest?
    The final enrollment date is July 19th at 11:00 pm (Pacific Time Zone). Contest judging takes place from July 22nd-July 23rd. All winners will be posted on Friday, July 26th.
  • How do I speak with a live person?
    Simply send a text with all of your questions to 615.881.4391 Our concierge will respond with your answers.
  • Is it possible for me to update or change my picture?
    For a fee of $14.95 our software company will be glad to replace the existing picture that was submitted and currently ready for judging. Text that request to 615.881.4391 and our production team will be glad to assist you.
  • What are my child’s chances of being noticed and signed to work with an agency?
    Because all Kids invited to participate were auditioned and prescreened, if they are signed up for the Premium Enrollment, you will receive a notice of intent from an agency. It’s always your choice to choose the agency that you feel comfortable working with. Signing with an agency is not required to participate in this exciting contest.
  • When will the contest results be announced?
    The results of the contest will be posted on the website Friday, July 26th.
  • How do I upload my child's photo to the website?
    You DO NOT upload the photo. The Casting Company sends us the photo that you submitted during the online audition process. The photo will be uploaded by our Production Department to the MCI Event website after you choose your enrollment.
  • How long does my child’s picture remain on the photo contest page?
    Your child’s picture remains on the contestant page until the next contest. This gives your child maximum exposure to industry leaders.
  • Contest Disclosure
    MCI reserves the right to remove any person from the contest without reason resulting in a full refund. Any person not committed and enrolled on July 19th @ 11pm (Pacific Time Zone) will be removed from the contest. Collage style photos are NOT permitted. The MCI Event Production department will crop the photo of their choice for the Photo Contest in the event of this situation. However, dual participant entries with separate fees and pictures are allowed. The Photo Submitted must be that of your child. Your Enrollment Fee is good for one contest only.
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